blown away

NB: this post was written well before the Covid-19 outbreak

I don’t usually go to any extremes to take a photograph any more.

My disability means a lack of mobility and walking any distance is a painful experience with every step sending pain radiating into my back and pelvis.  It’s not nice.

But a few weeks ago, I made a long (for me, a short to most other people) walk along the cliff top at Rhossili Bay on the beautiful Gower Peninsula on a fresh, windy day.  Rather foolishly though, instead of stopping after 30 yards or so, I kept going to see what was just over the next hill or round the next corner.

It was after one of these corners that the wind hit me, blowing me clean off my feet and into an ungainly heap on the sheep-dropping strewn but thankfully dry grass.  And all this before I had to face up to the long walk back to my car.

This photo had better be worth it!

Fujifilm GFX 50R, Fujinon 32-64mm f4,0 @ 32mm
4 seconds at f14, ISO 100
Tripod, self-timed release, Kood 3-stop neutral density filter, Formatt Hi-tech 3-stop reverse graduated filter


  1. Not sure if your pain was worth it to you,'s a beautiful shot and worth it to all of us! :D

  2. Yes, the shot was worth it Nick! Sorry about the least you could get up. I might have had to call for help.


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