2 sides to every story

Like most hobbies, landscape photography can be incredibly frustrating.  I mean, I've lost count of the number of times I've got up in the early hours and travelled to my planned location only to watch the light I'd hoped for not materialise or disappear before my eyes.

But sometimes, you get lucky.

These images were taken on 2 August after a 4am alarm and dash to Mumbles.  On my way there things didn't look promising.  The skies were filled with a blanket of thick cloud and it didn't look like I'd get any sort of light.

But I got lucky.

Around 15 minutes before sunrise the clouds started to break just enough to illuminate the cloud cover that remained.

I got two shots of the lighthouse, one from the pier and another from Bracelet Bay (hence the title of this week's offering).  The first one was taken from the pier just as the light was beginning to "happen", and the second was from the bay when it was in full swing.

It's hard to beat the feeling of getting up just as the night clubbers and revellers are starting to come home.  I know where I'd rather be.

Fujifilm GFX50R, Fujinon GF 23mm f4
1.6 seconds at f18, ISO 50
tripod, remote release

Fujifilm GFX50R, Fujinon GF 32-64mm f4 @ 32mm
1 second at f16, ISO 100
tripod, remote release


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