a perfect hat trick

And to celebrate, not one, not two, but three images for you to look at this week.  All were taken during a mid day outing to Bracelet Bay.

Whenever I go there, I look for an angle that I've not shot the lighthouse from before.  It's getting harder and harder I know, but there are still a couple left, including the view point for this first image.

I wanted to arrange the way I was seeing it through the rocks, and accentuate that with a long exposure to leave a trail of sea water leading the eye into the image.  I think it works, though the bottom half of the image may be a little too "heavy".  What do you think?.

Fujifilm GFX100, Fujinon 23mm f4
1.9 seconds @f16, ISO 100
tripod, remote release
Kood 3-stop neutral density filter

For the second image, I spotted this large pebble perched on a rocky outcrop, and again pictured it using a long exposure to try and tell the story of how the strength of the tide washed the heavy stone onto its resting place.

Fujifilm GFX100, Fujinon 23mm f4
7.5 seconds @f16, ISO 100
tripod, remote release
Kood 3-stop neutral density filter, Haida 105mm circular polarising filter

And for the last image, I have to confess that I did move the driftwood slightly into a more flattering position.  Sorry to any purists reading this!

The fact that I couldn't take the polarising filter off (I wanted to shorten the exposure time without increasing ISO, but it had welded tight into its holder!) was I feel justice, or karma if you prefer, for my actions!

Fujifilm GFX100, Fujinon 23mm f4
9 seconds @f16, ISO 100
tripod, remote release
Kood 3-stop neutral density filter and 3-stop hard graduated filter, Haida 105mm circular polarising filter

Whatever, I left the beach knowing I had three really good images in the bag, again showing that you don't necessarily need dramatic light all the time.  Just a little bit of creativity.  Oh. and a bit of wood.



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