we're supposed to be the clever ones

The human race - evolution's pinnacle.

Well, that's what we're supposed to be.  With more brain power than any other living thing on this planet.  Industrial and technological revolutions and achievements under our belts. We've mastered flight, even gone into space and stayed there.  We've harnessed and harvested Earth's resources to make our lives what they are.

While other species still live in trees or caves, we've crafted high tech homes to keep us warm and dry.  Super intelligent.

Only we are far, far from that.

Show me a giraffe or a porpoise that's hell-bent on bringing the planet to its end. Either through some climatic or nuclear disaster, we are on course to finish this planet off within the next two to three generations. And that's being optimistic.

We, the latest occupants who stole the planet from all its earlier inhabitants have no right, no right at all to behave in the way we are.

Climate catastrophes continue to be ignored.  But that is probably the least of our worries right now.

There can be no excuse for the events in Ukraine.  None whatsoever.  I was heartbroken and moved to tears by pictures of a father saying goodbye to his little girl; pressing his hand against the glass of a train carriage while she and her mother were evacuated and he remained to fight for his country.  It's very likely they'll never see each other again.

And while a thousand miles or more away from Ukraine, we are all still affected.  Affected by the horrors we are seeing while talk of escalation and a nuclear conflict is equally terrifying.  While the powers that be on whatever side who prosecute such a war shelter safely in their bunkers, it's the rest of us, the innocents, who will face the ultimate and horrific consequences whether that's instant death or, probably worse, surviving into the hell of a nuclear winter that will follow.

Have they learned nothing from history?  Nobody wins.  Nobody.

They were elected to protect us and act in our best interests. How dare the people in power make me, my family and the vast majority of us worldwide, this frightened.

Intelligent?  No.  Stupid?  Absolutely.



  1. I wonder if it would be any different if women were in charge.......?


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