this is the modern world

One of the places I love taking pictures is on the mountain to the north of my home city.  It is so peaceful with few visitors and is an ideal retreat for some quiet contemplation.

After an absence of a year or so due to the virus, I returned recently and was shocked by the sight that met me.  What seemed like the entire mountainside had been covered in wind turbines.  When did they sprout up I wondered?

Now, I'm all for green energy so can't complain.  And there's something quite meditative and relaxing about the jet-like sound they make while being blown around.  They are truly giant structures too, and standing close to one really brings their magnitude home.

Fujifilm GFX100, Fujinon GF23mm f4
1/120th of a second at f6.4, ISO 100
tripod, self-timer release

Anyway, I caught this picture with some strategically placed sheep as I thought they provided a counterpoint to the sleek, modern and some might say terrifying structure.  The sheep weren't phased in the slightest by either the turbine or the presence of Dexter and me!

Getting the picture posed a couple of technical issues though.  It was quite dark and I needed a shutter speed fast enough to freeze the turbine's fast moving blades.  It was either a case of shooting at a larger aperture or higher ISO - with both having their drawbacks.  In the end I settled for an aperture of f6.4, wide enough to let in enough light without being too wide to pose depth of field issues.

Modern or not, I spent the day of storm Eunice looking over old images and came up with an idea for a YouTube video.  Find out what that oh so exciting idea was by clicking on the link below.


  1. It's amazing how BIG they are! Pictures just don't give you the right perspective.


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