an eerie calm before the storm

Although this is getting published on 7 March (my 58th birthday!!!) I'm actually writing this post just before midnight on 17 February 2021.  The date is important as I have no idea what the next 12 hours or so will bring.

The UK Meteorological Office has issued a red warning as Atlantic storm Eunice is due to hit us in the morning, with winds of over 100 miles per hour forecast.  There is a very real danger to life and property, and the storm is expected to be the worst in living memory.

This week's image is very apt then, as it's of the lighthouse at Mumbles shot earlier today, and is where the strongest gusts are expected.

I made the short journey to the small beach between the lighthouse and the pier after an early morning appointment with the phlebotomist at my local hospital, who took some blood for testing prior to my forthcoming myeloma consultation next week.

Fujifilm GFX100, Fujinon GF23mm f4
3.7 seconds at f16, ISO 100
tripod, self-timed release
Lee 6-stop neutral density filter and 3-stop soft graduated filter

When I got home, and after some lunch, I ventured into our back garden to clear anything that might become airborne away, or tie it down if it was too large.

It was eerily calm.  Scarily so.  Not a breath of wind with the only sound being that of the birds chirping away.  It really was a case of the calm before the storm.

I shan't sleep tonight.


Update: we survived the storm with the only damage being to a fence post that has snapped near its base - that'll be fun to fix then!  We were very lucky, as three people were killed in the UK.  And there are more storms to come this week and next.


Bonus Image :-)


Why not take a few minutes out of your day and watch this week's YouTube video, all about making the images featured in this week's post and more besides.  Go on - it's my birthday today :-)


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