
When I was a young pup, I read all the time.  Anything I could lay my hands on I'd consume.  Newspapers, magazines and especially books.

In our back living room (not the "posh" front room you understand) we had a large book case filled with all sorts of books.  My main literary claim to fame is that by the age of 10 I'd read the entire works of Dickens!

I loved reading and simply couldn't get enough of it.

Then came my teenage years and young adulthood and starting work.  And unfortunately reading fell by the wayside.  Mainly due to a lack of time it must be said as I'd discovered cycling and that took up so much of my time with training and racing that the only thing I read was Cycling Weekly.

And so it has continued.  Even though I now have nothing but time on my hands I find it hard to start a book.

But I still look at them!  I have a huge collection of photography books.  Some are filled with images; others are more technical and "text-book", and some tell the history of photography and the great photographers.  These, along with my books on some of the great artists and art movements have been my photographic education.

I still enjoy picking a new one up every now and then.  Only last month I bought "Henri Cartier Bresson - Photographer".  It contains some of the most stunning images I've ever seen, and along with my Ansell Adams book they are my current staple reading.  Well, looking mainly but you know what I mean!

If a picture paints a thousand words, then just imagine how many a well made * film can manage.  Click below to find out what my latest video is all about…

* this may not meet the definition of well made.  Just for legal purposes you understand?


  1. Nothing like a good book on a favorite topic! Enjoy! :)


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