something new again

You didn't think I'd spend my two weeks break just sitting doing nothing did you?

Well, if you did you were wrong!  I've been very busy actually.

Now, regular readers will know I have a (very small) YouTube channel.  And from time to time I record a new channel "ident" video to give people unlucky enough to have stumbled across it an idea of what to expect.

My new channel introduction video goes live today, and I implore you to click on it below and take a look.  You'll marvel at the production qualities and marvel even more at just how a two-man (Dexter and me) operation can put something of such high quality together…

In all seriousness, we do work really hard to put out regular videos and we'd really appreciate it if you would pop along and take a look at some videos.  Who knows?  You might even end up subscribing.


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