mist, at last

I'm not really a morning person.  I used to be.  I was always up with the birds even on weekends and days off work.  There was something about the earliest of early mornings and being up and getting stuff done before the rest of the world has opened its eyes that I found strangely rewarding and incredibly satisfying.

These days my mornings are spent in bed, still trying to sleep through the back pain of the night before and hoping my permanent morning nausea doesn't develop into something worse.  Who knew morning sickness was a thing…

Anyway, one morning last month I had to be up early as I had things to attend to.  So, after I'd attended to said things I headed out with my camera to a local lake where the early morning sun was causing mist to rise off the surface.

Lovely :-)

Fujifilm X-T2, Fujinon 50-140mm f2.8 @ 95mm
1/300th of a second @ f8, ISO 200
tripod, self-timed shutter release

Anyway, if you're not completely fed up of watching my videos (and I can't blame anyone if they are), here's one more from the woods:

And if you're not fed up of me just yet. then there are only five (that's 5) more days to go until the video premiere of the year.  Yes, 24 December sees the release of this year's during the meanwhilst Christmas Special, erm, video.  Clear your calendar, make space in your diary and drop everything.  This one is going to be epic.  Or something like that...


  1. Did you throw a rock to make that ripple or was it serendipity? (The answer HAS to be serendipity......don't burst my bubble! LOL)

  2. it was a fish surfacing Robin :-)

  3. I’ve started up my blog again. It’s kind of an antidote to this one, in that my photographs will confirm how talented you are, and how that talent is clearly not a family trait.


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