my excitement was palpable

Now, it's a well-known fact that I am not exactly blessed with lashings of good fortune, be that in life in general or with my photography.

My health is an example of the former, and missed or unsatisfactory images the latter.

So, when one day in mid-October I woke to find the ideal conditions for some woodland photography (mist and fog) I thought to myself that just this once fortune was smiling down on me.

As you may be aware, I don't do early mornings too well these days and would normally miss these conditions while struggling to get up and just feel well enough to face the day.  But this morning I had to get up early as I had to drive Lisa into her office.

Returning home to find the fog was still as thick as when we left earlier, I packed my camera bag and made the short stroll to my very local patch of woodland.

erm, hello…where'd the fog go???

If you like, you can watch the video below before reading on or, continue to the conclusion of this week's story - but this may spoil your enjoyment of the video. 

Anyway, true to tradition, my luck didn't hold out.  In the short time it took to reach my destination, the fog had lifted leaving a crystal-clear morning.  Did you really expect anything else?

I didn't.


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