is nothing sacred?

We've been the victims of woodland wobbery (sorry, couldn't resist!) again.

Only this time it's not squirrels pinching a peanut feeder, but something far more sinister.

We've had one of those camouflaged trail cameras in our little patch of local woodland for a couple of months now.  It's been there in all weathers recording some lovely wildlife behaviour and we've really enjoyed the footage it has provided.

Anyway, my daughter and I went down to change over the memory card in it and check the batteries the other day.  On our way there, we could hear voices, which is rather strange as this patch of woodland is well off any path, and we have never seen anyone there before.

By the time we got to the little clearing where the camera and our feeders are placed, there was no one around.  But it was clear the camera had been tampered with, with one of the three securing screws removed and evidence that someone had tried to pull it off the tree it was attached to.

The battery compartment was opened, which is quite a complex process, so it was clear that this was not the work of any squirrel or woodpecker.

our little patch of heaven

Relieved that it was still in place, I turned it on to check it was still functioning, only to find that the SD 
card had been removed.  Again, not 
the work of any woodland creature.

Obviously, whoever tried to steal it feared (correctly) that their efforts would have been recorded and took the card to all erase all evidence of their identity.

Now, I was really angry at first.  Angry that someone would tamper with and try to steal something not belonging to them.  After I while though my anger turned to hope, and the hope that whoever took the SD card watched its contents and is converted to a nature lover.

Hope is all I have that some good will come of this.

We're going to put the camera back, but in a better hiding place, as I'm not going to allow any petty criminal or vandal to spoil the hours of pleasure the camera footage has given my daughter and me.

You can watch my review of the almost stolen camera by watching this week's "Tech Tuesday" video below:


  1. It never ceases to amaze me, the depths people can sink to! Keep in mind the thieves now know you had a camera there once and will be back looking even harder to find where you've hidden the next one. It's a 'game' to them. :(


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