woodland cameos

One of my most favourite type of image to make is of a pile of leaves on a woodland floor!  No, hear me out, there's good reason for this.

I am extremely slow on my feet, and whenever the ground gets uneven have to really concentrate on where I'm walking.  And a real bonus of this is that I spot these little scenes amongst all the detritus on the ground, and over the years have trained my brain to seek out potential scenes.

Towards the end of last month, I set out to make such an image, and challenge myself in the process as I knew at that time of year the pickings would likely be slim.

Anyway, I came away with an image I was really happy with.  Well, technically seventeen (!!) of them as I focus bracketed to ensure full front to back sharpness.  Now, as we reach Autumn then hopefully there'll be more of these images to make, but for now I'm happy with this one.

Fujifilm X-H2, Laowa 65mm f2.8 Ultra-Macro lens
1/60th of a second at f5.6, ISO 125
tripod, self-timer release, 17 image focus stack in Helicon Focus

You can watch my video of my hour or so down the woods and then how I went about planning, shooting, processing, and printing an image similar to the one above just by clicking below:


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