the most exotic locations

A photograph?  On a Thursday??  What is this madness?!

Anyway, I just wanted to illustrate that you don't need to travel to far-flung, exciting and photogenic locations to get nice pictures.  Well, if you want a nice picture of a far-flung, white sand, turquoise sea tropical beach then you most likely do, but for the everyday, run of the mill piece of artwork then quite often the gutter on your local street will suffice.

Fujifilm X-H2, Micro-Nikkor 105mm f2.8G, Fringer Nikon F to Fujifilm X adapter
1/80th of a second at f3, ISO 200

Because that is where I saw these lovely leaves on the first frosty morn of the winter.  I deliberately underexposed the image as I wanted that stark contrast between the dark brown (sorry, brown again this week!!), almost black leaves and the white, frost-tinged edges of said fallen leaves.

OK, it might not be the greatest of pictures, but it's one I'm proud enough to show off on here and that's normally quite a high bar to meet.


Here's the next batch of advent videos if you're interested.  Please say you're interested…


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