well that's Christmas ruined

I've always really enjoyed the thrill of giving gifts at Christmas, and I think that over the years I've bought my family members some, shall we say "unique" gifts.  I much prefer the act of giving to receiving, and always meticulously plan out my gifts, and the order in which they should be opened.

This year, things are a little different though.

You see, one of the major disadvantages to my health (or rather lack of) situation is that I find it difficult to actually get out to any local shops to do my Christmas shopping.  And at time of writing I am quite literally dying (no, honestly - yesterday going into hospital was a very real option at one point!) with a head cold from hell and accompanying fever so going out at all isn't feasible right now.

Anyway, no worry, I thought, there's always the internet and so this year I've bought all my gifts (so far at least, I am hoping to actually go out before the big day to get some more stuff) online.

I have Amazon "Prime" so there's pretty well guaranteed next day or shortly after delivery.  It's all extremely handy, or convenient if you prefer, though I do harbour a twinge of sadness as my purchase is probably hammering one more nail in a small, local shop's coffin lid.

But after today's little episode, my online gift shopping days are over.

You see, Amazon just delivered my wife's main Christmas present. "What's wrong with that" I hear you cry.  Well, I'm stuck in bed right now, and even if I could it wouldn't be very wise to interact with someone at my front door.  

So, off Lisa popped to answer the knock.  

(As an aside, we have a bell, and it's an illuminated one at that) at our front door.  Yet I'd say 90% of visitors knock instead!)

Amazingly, and especially given the time of year, in their wisdom actual Amazon actually decided that I wouldn't actually want the actual delivered gift actually put in an actual box.  


Oh no, it was plain to see in a clear plastic bag with my name and address label stuck to the front of it.  I've never had an online package delivered in this way before.  What if it were something nice, erm I mean expensive, and the driver less than 100% honest?

I'll have to get her a different lens for my camera now…



Here's the latest batch of videos for you all to ignore…


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