and now for something completely different

I think it's fair to say my 2024 didn't start well on the photographic front.

A run of exceptionally wet weather combined with my not up to scratch immune system leading to continual infections, saw me pretty well stuck indoors and searching around for things to photograph.

And then it dawned on me.  I've been watching videos posted by a highly successful commercial photographer on YouTube lately, and figured I'd give some product photography a try.  I mean, how hard can it be?

Very, is the answer; especially if you add in things like flash or another complex light source.

So, I decided to keep things as simple as I could and just use natural light to shoot everyday things.  And here is one of my images:

Nikon D700, Micro-Nikkor 105mm f2.8G
1/200th of a second at f3.2, ISO 200
 self-timer release

If you want to see the other images I shot as part of this project, as well as a brief insight into how I went about it, there is (of course there is) a video...


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