sometimes you just have to accept you're not very good

I have to have a blood test every month currently, before I go into hospital for my bone strengthening infusions.  It's an intrusion (and an infusion!) into my daily life, but I try to turn it into something nice by going to the beach at Mumbles afterwards.

And earlier this month was no exception, and I thought I'd try my hand at some coastal macro photography.  And it was all a bit "meh".  Not the morning out - that was lovely, if a tad cold - but the images.

One of my goals this year is to try to take more dreamy macro images; and try I did.  But nothing seemed to be working. Subjects were thin on the ground, as the tide was completely out meaning anything interesting left behind at the last high tide had likely been scavenged before we got there.

all images: Nikon D700, Micro-Nikkor 105mm f2.8G
1/350th of a second at f3.2, ISO 200

Luckily there is a lovely little garden there, tended by a gentleman who created it in memory of his wife who loved Limeslade Bay, and I found a couple of flowers that sort of rescued the day.  They're nowhere near the standard I'm aspiring to this year and I'm only publishing them here as a reminder to myself to not take anything for granted.

You can watch my "vlog" from the visit by clicking on the video below:


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