and sometimes you just have to accept that you're just plain stupid

As many of you know, I've had a YouTube channel for a few years now.  And since its inception I've uploaded north of four hundred and fifty videos.

My latest blockbuster is all about a new (used) tripod head I've recently bought especially for taking multi-shot panoramas (how rivetingly exciting I hear you all squeal) and was filmed in two parts: a studio introduction and conclusion sandwiching an in the field, shooting an image portion.

So, you would imagine that, especially given how comfortable I am with a camera, I'd be quite good at making them by now.  The video I've attached today, so the 455th one I've made, is proof that despite all my experience, I still make stupid, basic, schoolboy, beginner, novice errors.

In the field, I filmed a preamble to my shot.  Only I didn't.  I thought I did but when I pressed the button to stop recording before putting the camera down, I was actually starting a recording.  So, what I captured instead of my wonderful speech was eight minutes of some grass blowing in a field!

No matter.  I recorded a voice over later as I didn't fancy re-recording the whole in the field portion.

But then today, I recorded the entire introduction and conclusion with the lens cap still on the camera.  Yes, I actually made that most basic of errors.  I did then re-record those bits but by the end of it all I was just exceedingly fed up as you might begin to imagine.

And yes, I am a professional!

You can watch the whole sorry episode just by clicking on the video above.  Please do, so I know that at least somebody has watched it after I went to all that trouble!


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