I finally got one

When I started my love affair with photography there was a simple choice to be made.  Canon, Olympus, Pentax, or Nikon.

I chose the latter and shot with Nikon film and then digital cameras right up until five years ago now when I made the switch to Fujifilm.

But even after the switch I retained my Nikon film camera and a couple of lenses, and eventually decided that I'd like another relationship with Nikon digital, but with older, retro kit this time around rather than invest huge sums of money into a whole new Nikon F-mount mirrorless system.

And I decided that I'd also like another DSLR in my life, so bought a 2008 vintage Nikon D700.

Now, when I shot Nikon seriously all those years ago, there was always one lens that I always wanted (apart from my 105mm macro that is), and that was a 17-35mm f2.8D wide-angle zoom. I owned a more modern 16-35mm f4 equivalent, but always lusted after the more substantial f2.8 variant.

They were always too expensive though.  Until now that is, and I found one at an incredibly reasonable price on an auction site.  I pounced on it and now it's in my Nikkor lens collection alongside my 105mm GOAT, and 28-70 and 75-150 zooms.

And I couldn't be happier.  The lens is a joy to use, and mounted on my D700 gives an older, more film like result.  


Oh, and of course, there's a video.


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