it's all about balance

My balance isn't very good at the moment mainly due, I think, to the sheer quantity of morphine I have eaten lately to help with the pain in my back.

In fact, I nearly fell over earlier today which, considering I have a fractured vertebrae, I would imagine would not be a good thing.

But I didn't fall over - I managed to regain my balance.  Thank God.

Also, it is more important than ever apparently that I now eat a well balanced diet.  This is to make sure I have a good chance of responding well to my coming chemotherapy treatment.  (Can I just take a step back for a moment and say that I never, ever in a million years imagined I would type the previous sentence.  Anyway, I digress.)

Anyway, troubled by my inability to stand up properly I decided to spend some time at my computer with the purpose of making my blog more, how can I put this, sexy.  I decided that the best way I could achieve this was to link an image to my profile.  I think this confirms the content of an earlier post where I discussed how exciting I am.  Sorry, digressing again.

This meant trawling through any number of photographs to arrive at something suitable. Given that I am to good looks what Mo Farah is to body building I quickly ruled out any picture of myself.

So a landscape of some sort perhaps?  But by the time the image was downsized to fit you'd be hard pressed to tell a waterfall from a seascape.

I landed upon an image I took some years ago while at the beach in Mumbles of some pebbles that I had painstakingly arranged and immediately decided that this was the image for me; and for you of course.

When you see it, it's plainly visible why I chose it.

The problem is I just dont know how I'm supposed to eat them all.


  1. It amazes me that you can make me laugh when you have just talked about chemotherapy! But you did! I think this is the perfect image considering you predicament at the moment. I would love to see more of your photos. I hear you are very talented photographer. Just sayin’….. ;)


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