is there anybody out there?

We live in a world where a minority of young men find it acceptable to further their cause by beheading other young men who have gone to their countries, and then post their actions on the internet.

I know this to be true as I saw it on the BBC.

This evening, also on the BBC, I enjoyed a programme which speculated whether we are alone as an intelligent life form in the universe.  It explained the odds surrounding the possibility of there being the conditions on another planet or moon capable of supporting life and came up with the conclusion that there are probably 10 billion satellites within the "Goldilocks Zone" where life is possible.

10 billion!

Now I'm not a betting man but I'd have a couple of quid that there was life elsewhere.

The presenter (the excellent Professor Brian Cox) put forward his theory that there are lifeforms elsewhere in the universe but none as advanced as ours.  He feels that we have not made any contact with another intelligence because either they have evolved so much that they have inevitably made themselves extinct, or are still generations behind us in terms of their evolution.

In the 1970s though, a listening station picked up a single radio pulse from outer space.  It can't have come from a satellite or space ship so must have been broadcast by other means, or another lifeform with the ability to do so.  The signal has never been picked up again since sadly.

But this leads me to my theory, which is at odds with that of Professor Cox.

I think there are many planets out there that do support intelligent life.  And these civilisations are at the same or a more advanced state of evolution than ourselves, i.e. they have not rendered themselves extinct either through the ruination of their planet or some apocalyptic event.

So why haven't they made contact?

It's simple.  They have looked on, seen the way we treat our fellow beings and thought "what a bloody mess".


  1. My hypothesis is; we are some twelve year old alien’s science fair project. He/she is keeping us alive and poking us once in a while just to see what we’d do (think: giant terrarium.) That’s my theory and I’m sticking to it!!! ;)


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