buying things

Last year should have been a year to remember for the right reasons - it was my 50th back in March - a landmark birthday.

However I didn't get to celebrate it as my mum died, and the funeral was two days before my birthday.

Lisa and I didn't get to celebrate our anniversary in November because neither of us felt like celebrating.  Bizarrely my watch (which was my 40th birthday present) stopped on the day my cancer was diagnosed - 23rd of October.

I didn't really celebrate Christmas and New Year was a disaster with a patient in my room dying right in front of me and another being testing positive for flu meaning we had to be moved out for the room to be deep cleaned.

Bob, the one with the flu was moved out pretty quickly at about 6pm while I had to wait until 11:45pm all alone until I got shifted into a single room and swabbed for flu.  I didn't have it after all that.

So when I logged onto my mobile phone account yesterday and was greeted with an invitation to upgrade my phone I jumped at the chance and ordered an iPhone 6 which was amazingly delivered today.  I thought I deserved it as well as the MacBook Air I bought myself earlier in  the week.  A lovely piece of kit.  I must be responsible in some way for Apple's huge profits.

And then Dexter literally made a meal of my beloved headphones which I'd had for over 20 years so I had to buy new ones.  I listen to a lot of music so they are essential for everyone else's peace.

So an expensive week.

I've decided to leave my watch stopped on the date I was diagnosed and not get it repaired.  So I'll need a new one once my treatment ends and I am in remission.

Better start saving then.


  1. If I were you I'd take a hammer to the watch. Good therapy! :)


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