ill will

So, President Trump has Covid.


I say apparently for a couple of reasons.  Firstly I thought he was incredibly strong and in peak physical condition for an obese male of advanced years, and secondly I thought he was impervious to the virus, not needing a mask or to social distance or avoid mass gatherings and mocking those that do.  

It's a real surprise therefore that he actually caught it.

If he has that is.

It seems to me there are a number of possibilities here:

remember this Mr. President?
Firstly is that he has a mild dose of the virus.  This is supported by the fact he spent only 4 days in hospital.  If that is the case then why did he receive a cocktail of expensive and in some cases experimental treatments?  Things that I bet the families of more than 200,000 dead American citizens wish were so readily available to their loved ones.

Secondly is the possibility that he is in fact seriously ill and that this is being covered up.  There is some credibility to this possibility given the emergence of a video that appears to have been edited to cut out Trump coughing presumably very violently.  Why though would his doctors allow him to be discharged if this is the case?  Well, there's an election campaign ongoing and if Trump is acting as Trump does then I suspect he has overruled his doctors, feeling he can do a much more "tremendous" job than them.

The third possibility is that he has not had the virus at all and has used it as a campaign tool to sort of say "look, I'm tough - I saw off corona".  Seriously, I don't think even Trump would stoop that low.

Whatever, his comments that Covid 19 is "nothing to be afraid of" and that it shouldn't affect your life are simply awful though.  How do the families of the dead feel about that I wonder?  Or are they now immune to the stream of crass and insensitive comments that are seemingly the norm?

If he is genuinely ill though I wish him a speedy and thorough recovery.  No, really I do.  In spite of the fact he has mocked his opponents in the past for being ill, has awfully and shockingly abused a disabled reporter and has by his own self-admission made jokes and sarcastic remarks about the corona virus.

To do otherwise is to sink to his level - that of the childish schoolyard bully.  And I'm better than that.  I just hope that on 3 November the American people are too.


  1. Don't even get me started....... BUT your line "Seriously, I don't think even Trump would stoop that low." actually made me laugh out loud! So, thank you for that! :D


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