it's done

I've finished writing my book!

It runs to exactly 100 pages (on my computer anyway) and features 45 images shot over the past six years or so, all bar one made post cancer.

I've then written a short piece about each image with details of how and why I shot it.

Now comes the tricky part - getting it out there.  A dear friend of mine has had several books published so I'll be bending his ear to get him to give me the benefit of his experience.

To be honest though, I'll probably end up self-publishing it with either a limited print run or as a free e-book.

Whatever, I'm really pleased I've done it.  I'm proud of the images and of the fact I actually wrote a book; no matter what happens next no one can take that away from me.

I started this blog for the simple purpose of sharing my experiences when I was first diagnosed with myeloma, and this book is another vehicle for both that and hopefully as a way of inspiring anyone else going through chronic illness.

I've settled on "Lifesaving Light" as a title, and here's a cheeky peek at the cover.


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