sometimes I just want to scream

NB - this was written prior to the latest lockdown rules being imposed


The location for this week's photo is lovely, peaceful and secluded.

It's on a bridge over a really narrow track that leads to, well, nowhere really.  I've visited this spot well over a dozen times always on my bicycle and I never ever see another vehicle.  Ever.

Until today that is; and I wanted to take a picture of the river necessitating use of my tripod, and therefore standing in the track.  This otherwise and hitherto deserted stretch of gravel and mud turned from an abandoned dirt lane into what can only be described as a congested motorway the second I opened my camera bag and put my tripod up.

Each time a car or van came I had to take everything down and get off the bridge so they could pass.  Were this just once or twice I'd have considered it a strange coincidence considering I'd never seen more than pedestrians or the odd horse there before, but by the time it hit double figures (no, I'm no joking) I just let out a scream of frustration.

Fujifilm GFX50R, Fujinon GF 32-64mm f4
1/4 of a second @f16, ISO 100
tripod, self-timer release, Haida Circular Polarising Filter

Car after van after car paraded first up the track to nowhere and then, realising this, turned around and came past again.

Quite why this happened on this normally completely deserted track I've no idea.  A glitch in the satnav matrix maybe?  Whatever, I had to rush my shot just to get something from my visit.

All I wanted was a bit of peace, and a few minutes to take my photograph.  Just f*@k off is it.  All of you in your bloody steel boxes.


NB.  If you're interested this image is the subject of a video I made recently.  You can find it by clicking here.  Go on, you know you want to...


  1. You sure are lucky to live in such a beautiful part of the world!


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