a tale of two hills - sort of

NB - this was written prior to the latest lockdown rules being imposed


You wouldn't think my home city of Swansea has much in common with the great Italian city of Naples.

And you'd be right!  But there are similarities.  Both have sweeping bays, though in Naples's case it's on the beautiful azure of the Mediterranean and not the industrial brown Bristol Channel, and both are dominated by large hills, though Swansea's is not a volcano!

Anyway the two images I'm presenting today were taken on Swansea's equivalent of Vesuvius!

Fujifilm GFX50R, Fujinon GF 23mm f4
1/2 a second @f11, ISO 100
tripod, self timer release, Haida Circular Polarising Filter

Fujifilm GFX50R, Fujinon GF 32-64mm f4
3/10th of a second @f16, ISO 100
tripod, self timer release


  1. I like the second shot. It makes you want to wander down that path......although it looks like nothing good would happen down that path, so maybe not! LOL ;)

    1. you're right Robin! Back in the bad old days of the 1990s, Swansea was the car theft capital of the UK and Kilvey Hill where these images were taken was the favourite spot for stolen cars to be dumped and burned out :-(. It's a lot, lot better now thankfully!

    2. I remember a geography trip to the top of this hill. I was eleven years old and felt as proud as if it had been Everest!


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