fooling around

I really enjoy playing wi...I mean using old, adapted lenses on my Fujifilm camera.

This week's image is the result of using one of those adapted lenses (an old Canon 50mm item) as well as some extension tubes which enable the lens to focus much, much closer to your subject and effectively turning any lens into one capable of macro image making.

This almost abstract close-up image of a tulip was taken during the latest lockdown, when my frustration at not being able to get out and about with my camera forced me to turn to taking pictures of anything.

I used the lenses maximum aperture to render the shallowest depth of field possible which when combined with a super close focus distance gives beautiful subject fall off and lovely bokeh.

Fujifilm X-T3, Canon FD50mm f1.8 
1/80th of a second at f1.8, ISO 160
tripod, self-timed release, JJC 11mm+16mm extension tubes

You can watch a video all about using adapted lenses below.  It's almost as if I've thought this through!


  1. Lovely! (You know how much I like close-up/macro pics!) Here's an idea to keep you occupied. Let's play "What It Is'! You take all sorts of close ups of ordinary things around the house (the kitchen is a treasure trove of things!) and post them and have us guess what they are!!! You'll end up with a series for your solo show AND you'll find out how totally clueless we are at guessing! Win/win! :D (Feel free to use "What It IS" as the title to your solo show! You're welcome! LOL)


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