good to be back

At time of writing (24 January 2021), there are two things marking the day as memorable.

Firstly, it's Dexter's 7th birthday, and secondly I've been out to take photographs for the first time in well over a month.

We woke up to a thick blanket of snow, and after a failed attempt to get out to a local monument I decided to make the short walk to the bottom of our road to some fields and trees that are accessible there.

It was an absolute joy.  The images are nothing special at all, but just the getting out and taking them made me so happy.  I'd forgotten the sheer pleasure of the process of taking photographs, getting home and then seeing what you'd got on the computer.

I only took two.  But I really couldn't have been any happier!

Fujifilm GFX50R, Fujinon 23mm f4
1/320th of a second at f16, ISO 100
tripod, self-timed release

Fujifilm GFX50R, Fujinon 23mm f4
1/250th of a second at f16, ISO 100
tripod, self-timed release


  1. I think the images are quite that they are just ordinary. Celebrate EVERYTHING! Even the ordinary! (because there's much more ordinary in the world!) ;)


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