
If you ask most people of my age what the first record they bought was they will inevitably say something by The Clash or The Sex Pistols so they can look cool.

The first record I bought was Geoff Love and His Orchestra playing "Great War Movie Themes".  I played it to death - and still have the record and play it today.

And when I was a very young boy, I would watch Top of the Pops every Thursday night, and I would set up cushions around me as a mocked-up drum kit, grab a pair of my mother's knitting needles and imagine I was in The Sweet or Wizard and drum along as best I could!

Then in 1978 I remember vividly listening to my tiny portable transistor radio (and yes, under the covers in my bed too!) and "Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick" by Ian Dury & The Blockheads came on.  I was transfixed and realised there and then that I wanted to play the drums properly.  I was mesmerised by the tightness of the drummer and rhythm section as they moved the song along, and for the first time I properly listened to a song and tried to dissect what was happening.

A lifelong love of music was cemented in me, and I started nagging my parents for a drum kit.  They never bought me one - they hardly ever encouraged any of my activities be they sporting or musical.  In fact, they positively discouraged me, so I saved and saved my pocket money until I could buy my own kit.

Then after a couple of months of practice and playing with my first band, one day I woke up to find MY kit - the one I paid for - missing; taken away from our house and driven to my parents' caravan in Port Eynon.  Proof if it were needed of their inability to support me in any endeavour.

Combine this with them burning my record player along with the piano we had at home shows what a strange upbringing I had.  (As an aside, I used to beg my mum and dad to come and watch me play rugby or cricket for my school in our local park.  They never came.  Anyway, I digress...)

I've just heard Ian Dury on the radio again - prompting me to write this, and immediately found myself drumming along to "Hit Me".  The groove will never leave!


You can watch a video of me chatting about my all-time top 10 favourite songs by clicking on the video below:


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