I'll tell you what I want...

...what I really, really want.

Christmas is coming, and I really enjoy getting presents for my family.  When it comes to receiving them, I'm not really all that fussed.  After all, I'm old and have nearly everything I could want.

But earlier this year, when I upgraded my camera to a 102 mega-pixel computer really (you can't call it a camera!!) and was getting used to its controls and features, I found myself wishing for something else.

Now, it's not that I'm not 100% happy with my new (to me - it's second-hand) purchase, but I really wish that a camera company would introduce something really simple.

I don't need at least three-quarters of the features my camera possesses.  Things like a rapid framerate, fast auto focus performance, video, etc, etc.  As a predominantly landscape photographer, all I need is a really good sensor and image processor in a body that is ergonomically pleasing.

My Fujifilm GFX100.  Enough computing power to run a small country, and more screens that a CCTV operating centre!

In other words, a film camera with a digital sensor!  So, just like the earliest digital cameras before they became bloated with extra features which while nice to have just complicate things for me.  And I'm paying for things that I don't want or need.

So come on Fujifilm, or Canon, or Nikon, or even Pen… no… not Pentax - make a camera that's just that.  A simple box but with the finest sensor technology and processing power you can muster.  Leave out the flim-flam like "animal eye auto focus" (yes, it really does exist!!) and give me the basics in a compact and lightweight box that enables me to take the best images I possibly can.

And more importantly, price it accordingly!


  1. I feel the same way about cars! Leave off all the 'gingerbread' (aka more things to break) and just make me a nice simple vehicle that can reliably get me from point A to point B!


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