more of that driftwood

I don't get out to shoot landscapes during the summer all that often.  Either the light is way too harsh or the times when it is favourable are at extreme times of the day when I am, to put it bluntly, knackered!

But back in August (seems like a long time ago now!!), after a rainy few days had broken into more showery weather, I figured a late evening trip to Dunraven Bay would be worth the risk.

It almost wasn't!

On arrival, the wind was whipping the waves into a frenzy and sending a torrent of sea spray onto the rocky shoreline.  Getting any sort of an image was going to be a battle.  Keeping salty sea water off my camera and the front of the lens (well, the filter at least) was tricky.

I persevered though and got a picture I'm happy enough to share on here.  There are small areas where the spray has spoiled the finished frame but what can you do?!

Fujifilm GFX50R, Fujinon 23mm f4
4 seconds at f16, ISO 100
Formatt Hitech 3-stop reverse graduated filter, Kood 3-stop neutral density filter
tripod, remote shutter release

Watch my Hallowe'en Special video by clicking below.  Spoooooookehhh……….


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