he wouldn't? would he......?

I’m a long-time devotee of the home haircut.  I mean, I don’t have enough to style into anything interesting so for years I’ve just given myself a once a fortnight number one buzzcut.

While chopping my locks off yesterday, I was reminded of a funny occurrence in the Summer just before my cancer diagnosis.

I’d been working hard all day finishing my daughter’s new bedroom, and with my (unknown to me at the time broken) back screaming in pain I thought I’d have a nice warm bath to ease it somewhat.  With the house being empty apart from the then 8-month-old Dexter for company I thought I’d also cut my hair.

Haircut duly completed, I then decided to hop in the bath and hoover up the surprisingly large pile of hair later.

So, after my bath, I got dressed and got the vacuum cleaner from the hall cupboard, plugged it in and made my way to the bedroom to clean up the mess I’d made.  Only there was no mess.  Absolutely no evidence of any hair anywhere.

I was baffled.  There was no-one else home so unless someone had broken in and decided to clean my house while I was in the bath where had all the hair gone?

My eyes and ears then rested on a violently coughing Dexter.  I then realised that he’d eaten it.  All of it. And he was now in the process of bringing it all back up!

Poor thing.

the then 8-month-old hairy hoover

So, yesterday, just like every other time I perform micro-surgery on my hair, I immediately clean up after me.  I just can’t take any chances!


  1. Eeeeeeewwwwww......what a visual picture you paint! LOL Poor Dexter! :-/

  2. I can identify a bit...with three cats running around, especially during the holiday season...one is fond of long strands of plastic, or tinsel, or artificial tree branches...all of which One hears being rolfed up a few minutes later, or worse...needing assistance to rid his poor cat rear portions of the undigested tinsel, plastic, or tree branch.....tis the season!


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