a chink of light

November has been a really good month - unless your name is U.S. democracy but let's not go there.

No, it seems that science has prevailed for now and we have several vaccines that provide almost total protection from Covid 19, and the world can start to get back to normality in 2021.

These vaccines have been developed in record time, and that makes me just the tiniest bit worried.

Instead of the usual ten-year timeline for developing a vaccine, its been achieved in just ten months.  As someone who nearly paid the ultimate price for taking trial drugs for myeloma, I do worry that we may be rushing into something that just might have longer term consequences for some people.

I don't want to appear to be a killjoy, and I'm 99% certain that all safety regulations will have been followed and no corners cut, but there's that nagging doubt at the back of my mind that all this has been done too quickly.

Whatever, we have to do something.  We can't tank economies, and the vaccine has to be better than death by lockdown.

I dare say that there will be complications and side effects, but they will be a small price to pay I guess.

But the main thing here is that we have learned.  So when Covid 28 or other some such pandemic hits us as it inevitably will we are better prepared.

And we have to change.  Our planet's natural ecosystems will always win out.  We can't carry on destroying our natural environment and think that everything will be just dandy.  

We have to change, at the same speed we showed when developing these vaccines.


  1. Color me dubious......especially since it's become so politicized.......I realize we can't sit around doing nothing but I'm worried about long term consequences. :-/


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