a stark contrast

NB - this was written prior to the latest lockdown rules being imposed


Two images from a recent visit to Mumbles this week.  And they couldn't be more completely different; the only thing they have in common is that they were shot at the seaside!

The first is of the lighthouse at Bracelet Bay.  Yes, I know I shoot this scene a lot but I try to make every one different.  This was shot at mid day and just after a stormy high tide had left this rock-pool on the pebbled beach.

I used my wide-angle lens and got low down and close to the little pool so it looks huge in the scene - my favourite use of my wide angle lenses.

Fujifilm GFX50R, Fujinon GF 23mm f4
1/125th of a second @ f16, ISO 100
tripod, remote release

The second image was shot very much on the spur of the moment.  I'd gone around to Limeslade Bay to see if there was any chance of a shot.  There wasn't, but as I stood in the waves now gently lapping the shore I grabbed my phone and shot this image.  I don't know why, but I really like it.

Apple iPhone X

I think it's the perfection of the orange sand.  And what with orange being my favourite colour of all time I guess it's a slam dunk!


  1. Definitely the sand. So smooth and even. I want to put my footprint there 😂😂😂. (Not really. It’s too perfect to spoil).


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