gluten free

Specialist diets.  They're all the rage, aren't they?

Vegetarian, vegan, low carb, 5/2...

But one member of our family it seems is gluten intolerant and therefore has to go on a special diet out of necessity.

With all my other problems you wouldn't be surprised if I told you it was me that needed to watch what I eat.  But it's not me, it's...


Yes, it seems after a number of eye wateringly expensive blood tests that the episode Dexter suffered on Christmas Day was likely caused by his dislike of gluten.

So, he has to go on a gluten-free diet.  We've had to change all his food, including treats.  And all the lovely ones he had for Christmas will be given to our local dogs rescue centre.

We were so worried it would be something far more serious like liver disease or the like but no, he is suffering from something that afflicts humans.

I've always said he was a bit "different".


  1. I'm so glad to hear it's something simple (as it were....) :D


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