nature boy

It's springtime!  So, naturally a bonus Saturday post...

And eager to make the most of the upcoming least favourite time of year for me, I decided to forego my usual "serious" landscape photography and instead adopt a far more laid back, laissez faire type approach to my image making.

To that end I have started exploring my local area in a bit more depth whenever I feel well enough to walk more than a few steps.

On one of my outings, I captured these rather pretty and delicate flowers growing wild low down in the hedgerow.  Corinne tells me they're called "milkmaids".  

Of course, I believe her!

Fujifilm X-E1, Meike 50mm f2
1/2000th of a second @f2, ISO 200

Unfortunately for me I'm going through quite a bad patch with my physical health right now.  I am constantly exhausted to the point I could sleep all day and still be tired, and the pain in my back and pelvis is sometimes quite unbearable.

Still, I shall overcome!

If you like, you can watch me make the above image along with several others from the same stroll simply by clicking on the video below:


  1. If you can’t believe your big sister, who can you believe?

  2. And why is your big sister’s comment showing up as ‘Anonymous’?

    1. no idea???? they used to show up as CI

    2. hang on a minte....
      even my reply is coming up as anonymous and it's MY blog!!!


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