watch your step

I can't really walk that far.  And when I do go for a stroll with Dexter, I have to carefully watch where and how I walk, as falling and breaking a bone could, I've been told, have catastrophic consequences for my health.

And I'd really rather avoid death if I'm honest.

But one positive of this eyes down perambulation technique is that I get to see a whole lot of life at ground level.  And I see the loveliest things sometimes.

So, when I recently found myself bereft of landscape photography inspiration and cursing the fact that the days are now longer than they really need to be, I stumbled (not literally) on the idea of a little photo project called "A Crack in the Pavement".

It's all rather self-explanatory and I've put my favourite image up from my walk below. Again, similar to last week, you can see many more images just by watching the short video that accompanies this week's post.

Fujifilm X-E1, Fujinon XF35mm f2
1/250th of a second at f2, ISO 200


  1. I hate to be the one to break this to you but......nobody gets out alive......🤷 (PS nice shot!)


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