a bit of an intrusion

A bonus Saturday post!!

Just last Saturday I set about, as I do most days, dead-heading some flowers in the garden.  My geums are a particular chore, with me regularly removing thirty or more dead flower heads.

I was just about to snap one off when I noticed a hover fly sitting there minding its own business, so I left it, hoping it would fly away.  When I returned to the dead head though it was still there, so I took a closer look.

Nikon D700, Micro Nikkor 105mm f2.8G
1/450th of a second at f4, ISO 200

To my surprise, there wasn't just one little fly there, but two; doing what it is a pair of hover flies would do at this time of year.  I was so glad I didn't pluck the flower head away, ruining their tender moment!  I did feel a little bit of an intruder into their privacy though, but they didn't seem to mind.

So, I rushed indoors to get my (love) story-telling camera kit and set about getting the image you see above.  Full manual mode, including focus, was engaged to get the desired results, though try as I might, I couldn't get both sets of eyes in sharp focus.

Then again, perhaps a softer focus is more apt!


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