and on the drums...

Back on 12 June I made a post about my macro lenses, and in particular how I preferred my older and technically inferior lens to my more modern one.

After making that post I wanted to delve even deeper into the why and wherefore of my preference, and decided to really compare the images each lens could create.  Surely I thought, I must be wrong.

But no!

After painstaking research and deliberating over countless images I still came to the conclusion that my older lens was better.  And in dearly departed rock drummers I was able to put my findings into an easily recognisable metaphor.

My Laowa lens, I opined, is akin to the great Neal Peart, the drummer with Canadian rockers Rush up until his sad death.  His technical proficiency is unsurpassed in my opinion.  He was an excellent drummer, his parts built heavily on technique and precision.

the irreplaceable Nikon AF-S 105mm f2.8G VR ED

If the Laowa is Neal Peart, then the Nikon just has to be Keith Moon!  Still a truly excellent drummer but completely different in style.  Keith was unpredictable, and because of that you just couldn't take your eyes off him when he performed.

And it is that comparison that perfectly underlines how I feel about my two macro lenses.  Both are absolutely magnificent in what they do, but only one of them is going to throw a TV out of a hotel bedroom window at 3am!

Of course, I recorded this thought process and you can watch my inane ramblings by clicking below.

And you can also watch videos containing sample images shot with both lenses, again just by the magic of clicking below to make them appear.  It really is witchcraft…


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