exclusively common

When I bought my first Apple computer - a 20" iMac back in 2007 I felt different.  Only my sister out of the, oh I don't know, 3 or 4 friends I had, had an Apple Mac.  Everyone else still had one of those beige Windows jobs with a Pentium processor.

Cutting edge, eh?

When I bought my first iPhone though, a 3GS, I didn't mind that it was popular.  After all, this was confirmation of what I knew all along, right?  That Apple was just more betterer!

I had the same feeling when I bought my first Fujifilm camera.  The magazine reviewers derided them, YouTubers shunned them, but people really "in the know" bought them.

Now, with Apple's computers starting to sell in droves I at least have my Fujifilm camera to give me that air of "I know best" snobbery.

But to my horror, landscape photographers on YouTube are switching from their Nikons, Canons  and Sonys to Fujifilm.  They'e all buying the camera that until recently no on else wanted.

And browsing some prize-winning images in magazines and the latest Landscape Photographer of the Year book, it seems that Fujifilm's rise is complete.  

oh for fu…..
Where once you'd have needed to search pretty hard to find an image shot with one of their cameras, they're now getting quite common.  

And I feel cheated.

What is left for me to do?  I mean, no one buys a Pentax camera (for good reason), I can't afford a Leica and really I don't  want anything else.


Unless I start to shoot large format film on a plate camera.  Surely no one else has thought of doing that?


You can see why I and many like me consider Fujifilm (and their medium format GFX100 camera in particular) to be the best option right now by watching the unmissable video below:


  1. I'm not one to be swayed by 'name' brands. I get what is best for my purpose and I don't give a fig about what others think! I guess I'm not the demographic the ad men are aiming at...... ;)


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