
Today I have been called various names: an oddball, nuts, crazy, loopy and, perhaps worst of all, "a very, very strange man indeed."

I'm not normally perturbed by a bit of banter and name calling - it helps to pass the day until the nice lady comes with my cocao and custard creams at half past eight.  But today was different.  It's because it's the fourth time I've had to endure this name calling  in the past few weeks.  The reason for the abuse?  My zip up slippers perhaps?  My comfy pyjamas?  My incrdible hulk jogging bottoms?

No.  Bravery.  That's right, bravery is the unlikeliest of reasons.  My ability to endure any length of time you care to throw at me in an MRI machine (which is essentially a large microwave oven with the ability to cook your kidneys to such perfection that they'll be replacing sous-vide baths as the next must have gadget in some a freak of a chef's kitchen) is seen by some people as an excuse to poke fun at the brave soul who endured the  time in the machine.

I don't know if you've ever had an MRI scan but I've been slid into the canister four times now.  It is a very tight fit.  I wouldn't want to be carrying a huge amount of excss body fat whilst being squeezed into the tube, and the noises the thing makes while it cooks, sorry scans, you are out of another world, or possibly Leicester.  I'm not sure.

The first time I was determined to enjoy the experience (hey , it might have been the only time I'd ever have a go in one).  The second time was a scan looking for any lesions on my brain.  They didn't find any.  They did however find my brain  it was just behind a watch I'd lost a few years previously but I digress.

The third time was a repeat of the first scan and my last one today yet another repeat scan.  I'll see the  results tomorrow.  I qualified for a sticker book today.

But no reason to call anyone a nutcase though.  No, I think the reason they did that was because I stupidly confessed I actually positively enjoyed the experiences.  Particularly today's: I fell fast asleep for the whole 45 minutes I was in there.  I couldn't have been more comfortable or relaxed.

So this blog has a dual meaning.  An MRI scan is nothing to be scared of, but if you do take the time to properly season your internal organs you're friends will be dining out on you (quite literally) and then the last laugh is yours.


  1. It must be a family thing. I too fell asleep while having an MRI scan. Where else can you be still and no-one, no-one at all, can nag you or ask where their best shirt is (I live in a male-dominated household!!).

  2. I always take it as a compliment when people call me nutty.....I guess that just peoves them right! LOL I hope an MRI is the worst they put you through! (PS It was nice 'meeting' you tonight. I didn't mean to barge in on your call.)

    1. nice to meet you too :-)

      ou gotta love technology

  3. As Robin says Nick, take it as a compliment, a BIG compliment. It shows that you have the PMA to get through this instead of just lying back and accepting the inevitable. When I spent 10 days in hospital in the 70's following a knee cartilage operation I sweated buckets trying to get my leg muscle strength and joint movement back. The guy in the bed opposite, who incidentally was younger than me and had gone through the same operation, called me nuts for doing it......he ended up back in hospital for a follow-up operation a few months later and never got the full movement back whereas my knee fully recovered 100%........PMA does work.


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