going out

Glancing at facebook today revealed pictures of any number of people getting ready for their office Christmas parties - very glamorous images of spray tans, bare flesh and freshly coiffed; hair all designed to impress and grab attention.

And the girls looked lovely too. 

The smell of cologne and perfume would I imagine be sufficient to restore  a concussion victim to full working order quicker than any smelling salts.

I don't really do going out.  It's usually lunch with some friends once a year around Christmas time, and then home in time for a hot bath, Liza Tarbuck on the radio and an early night.

But I'm going out tonight.  And not just into Swansea.  No, I'm off to Cardiff for the evening. And the next few days as well.

I haven't donned ny best jeans and sports jacket though.  Nor have I appied any expensive cologne.  Actually  I don't own any but we'll gloss over that for now.  I'm wearing my pyjamas and comfy slippers as I'm off to hospital in Cardiff for an operation to stop my spine deteriorating further.

I can't say I'm looking forward to the experience but I'm not fearful either.  It's just a necessary step on my road to recovery and as normal a future life as possible.

Well there is just one thing I am slightly concerned about.  If the surgeon is still in the clothes he wore to his Christmas party tonight, smells like an advert for Blu Stratos and is still shaking from the 14 vodka red bulls he had I'll be out of here like a shot.


  1. And the girls looked lovely too…….LOL We’ll be sending good vibes your way tomorrow.

  2. Out of where like a what now??? I suspect that a snail can move faster than you can at the moment.

  3. you and i should have a race over 25 metres.

    Johnny can start it with one of 'special' waves, make himself a cup of tea, listen to The Archers, stroll past us to the finising line where he can gaily wave a rainbow chequered flag for the winner.

    Oh God, I've just had a thought (I know, you're going to get a pen to make a note of the date and time) but what if there's a hidden message behind Elmer's multi colouredness?!?!


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