home (ish) for Christmas

As you'll know, this time last week I had spinal surgery at the Heath Hospital in Cardiff to stabilise the damage caused  to my back by my cancer.  I still feel like I've been beaten to within an inch of my life but that's a small price to pay in the grander scheme of things.

The last few days have been busy with lovely visits from my sister and Johnny along with old and valued friends.

But following surgery it was always my goal to get back to hospital here in Swansea in time for what I imagine will be a curious Christmas.

Well late last night I was transferred here and (strange statement I know) I couldn't be happier  - under the circumstances of course.  It means I'll be closer to my family so will see them on Christmas Day, get to exchange gifts and probably have an argument - but hey, it's Christmas.

In order to get back here though I had to endure some x-rays so the surgeon could be sure his metalwork was up to scratch.  This entailed me having to stand freely and largely unsupported for around 5 seconds.  This might not seem like much but the tight timescale to get back to Swansea meant there was  less time for physio than was ideal.  Coupled with the fact that my leg muscles are around half the size they were I knew it would be tough.

I tried to get the x-rays done last Friday but that was just too soon and I couldn't even stand.

But yesterday after a couple of days more exercise I was ready for another go but with the added pressure that if I couldn't stand for my x-ray, or if my surgeon wasn't happy with his work, I knew I would be spending Christmas staring at 4 grey walls in Cardiff and not the sweep of Swansea Bay which can be seen from the wards here.

So I got wheeled down to the radiography department, got up out of my wheelchair, locked my legs  up and did what I had to do. The  X-ray was clear at first time of asking.  Within half an hour I was given the results that I needed.

I'm now back on the haematology ward here being monitored.  It's like nothing has changed.

Oh, one bonus - I'll have a great scar!

May I take this opportunity to pass on my best wishes to an old friend who's mother is terminally ill?  Mark, take strength mate, take care of yourself and remember the many good times you had together.


  1. Geez, they couldn’t x-ray you lying down? Glad to hear you’re ‘home’ for the holidays! Enjoy the view! {and the arguments…. ;) }

  2. I wish Robin. No the surgeon had to be sure the screws, etc. were in straight which involved standing bolt upright. I know it sounds like I'm moaning a lot but by God it hurt!!


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