
Some people say there is nothing as precious as your family and I place myself firmly in that lucky category.

I have a very loving, understanding wife who I love back in equal meausure (she has to be loving to put up with an idiot like me), a beautiful (and sometimes exasperating) daughter, a sister I would crawl to the ends of the earth for and a brother in law.  Yes, yes, you will all know about Johnny from my entry about him, his tractor and his overalls the other night; along with nephews, nieces and cousins who are all very special.

Yes, I have lost both my parents but I am still blessed.

Truly I am.

My sister and brother in law live in Kent.  This is a pain - I wish they lived closer.  They nearly did a couple of years ago when they went house hunting near Hay on Wye.  This woud have been ideal.  Except they changed their minds and bought a holiday home some 4500 miles and a nine hour flight away in Florida instead.

Lucky you I hear you cry - cheap holidays, and ordinarily I would agree.

But I have just had to kiss my sister goodbye while she returns home to Kent for a few days over Christmas.  She goes back to Florida in the middle of January.  I would not dream of not asking her not to go but parting is going to be even more of a wrench this time.

While Corinne has been home we have laughed ( a lot - we always do) but this time we have spent more time crying.

Crying over the unfairness of my being so very ill, crying over the fact it's likely I'll have to spend my first ever Christmas away from my lovely daughter, crying over missing the festive preparations in my lovely home.

They say you can't choose your family, but I'd choose mine and perhaps that's why I'm so upset I can't see them - especially at this time of year.


  1. I'm so sorry you won't be home for Christmas.... :(

  2. I spent my first Christmas away from home when I was in the Merchant Navy. We "celebrated" Christmas Day off the coast of Sierra Leone en route to Nigeria towards the end of the Biafran War in the late 60's. Yes, you miss your family and friends like nothing else but you have to get on and deal with it. In those days there was no Sky TV so we had to make our own entertainment. It is only 1 day and it very soon passes by......the following day it is just a memory. Don't let one day get you can have your very own Christmas Day with your family when you are home. Get well quickly Nick and stay positive.

  3. Christmas is just one day. Your family are there for every day. Thinking of you all. Keeping up the positive thoughts for you all.


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