
You know the worse thing about being in hospital after spinal surgery?

It's not the pain or the discomfort.  Or even the alarmingly reduced ability in being able to spell properly.  Or Jim's incessant snoring from about 8pm to 8am every night - you get used to that.  Just.

No, it's when you bloody drop something.  Even if it lands millimetres from your reach you are reliant on pressing a buzzer for someone to have to walk 40 yards from the other side of the ward to reach or fetch it for you.

And that's if you can find the bloody buzzer to get their attention in the first place - which I never, ever can.  It's always in such an obvious place but no matter how much I reach around for it or the cable attaching it to the bed, I can't find the damn thing so I end up having to catch someone's attention to get the object I dropped 3 micrometres from my grasp in the fist place.

So the next time you curse when you're working on your car or doing some plumbing and drop the large stillsons, spare a thought when the worse thing you do is bang your head when you root around for them, spare a thought for the poor bugger who can't move at all to find the world's smallest object as it rolls lingeringly from his grasp.


  1. I share your discomfort in being reliant on others. I’m told it’s a ‘stubborn’ issue.......... ;)


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